We're so pleased with the "On the Commons" letterbox in Brunswick, Maine for several reasons....
#1 We've renewed our passion for nature.
#2 The series is planted on a beautiful trail.
#3 We found out it's okay to fail... (Is there really any such thing as failure on the letterbox trail?) :-)
#4 We finally found it today!
Okay, okay... if you read our last blog you found out that we stumbled and fumbled the first time around "On the Commons". But in our failings we managed to bump into a couple of bunnies on the trail. The box went unfound, but the bunnies were a wonderful bonus! This occurrence was refreshing! It re-taught us that the joy of letterboxing is not necessarily in the find. Joy in boxing is more often found along the way.
Whether it be bunnies or a sunset or a tree or whatever mysterious phenomena you find ... The joy of letterboxing is definitely in the journey!
Today we feel redeemed and vindicated all at once. After much research on the term, "sleeping giants" and some serious head scratching and some second guessing, and some mental imaging... we decided to go back.
Upon arriving at the Brunswick Commons we walked quietly down the trail. Watching, savoring, enjoying the woods all the way. Sans clues we found the spot quickly and in short, triumphantly found the box!
We felt, in the words of Frank Costanza from Seinfeld, "Like a phoenix rising from Arizona!"
Isn't it sweet to revisit a locale where you once were stumped, and leave with a new stamp in the logbook? It certainly was sweet for us! As the sun shone it's way down along the horizon, we walked out savoring the sweetness of boxing success.
What have we learned? To walk slow. To stop and smell the flowers. To see what begs to be seen. (This time it was a sassy squirrel just over our heads... by standing still we invited him in to chat!)
So often we rush down the trail and forget to take time to see. Friends we are blessed with a beautiful state and an abundance of thoughtfully placed boxes to partake of. Let's not waste it in a fevered rush. Let's savor it!
So get out there and search. Get out there and see. Get out there and savor it all. The trail is waiting for us!
(Click below or hit "enter" or "spacebar" to advance the slides in our photo slideshow...)
Nice job on your slideshow! That letterbox was a fun one and I am glad that the rain finally stopped long enough for us to go out and find it again. I want to know what happened to that tree!
Mrs. Thompson Twin
AKA: Linnie (wifie)
:{ How do I do the sldie show? It will not let me!
The slideshow is acting strange right now.
click it with your mouse and then hit "enter" or the "space-bar" on the slideshow... That should make controls appear on the bottom.
Wow, what a fantastic slide show!!! You both look wonderful!
Hi Thomson Twins! I'm curious to know where that tree is on the trail. Maybe the squirrel is trying to tell us something!
Timing is everything in Maine! There have been days where, I too, literally, ran on the trail forgetting to enjoy the walk. Why would one do such a thing in the glorious state of Maine? The state bird comes to mind! LOL
The statement 'sleeping giant' was actually a mistake in the clues by me. I wrote it not sure what it meant THEN asked someone in CT! I had actually gotten it mixed up with the real Sleeping Giant! Figuring everyone would catch onto the phrase as I did imagine it, I left it as is! So glad you tried two times and have learned to love boxing! To quote a friend "Happy Trails"!
We liked the "sleeping giants" clue... whether it was a mistake or not. It added an air of mystery and fun to the search. And I think, at least in the context of your search it made a lot of sense. :-)
Awesome search.
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